Pure Light


~ Increase your inner strength and tackle challenges at their root~


Welcome to the website of Pure Light!
The place on the internet where I share my passion for and experience with Tao Healing. Channeling and Soulfulness.

Tao Healing is a unique and powerful form of spiritual healing.
Soul readings are channeled messages from the soul world, or specifically from the Akashic Records, that can give you answers to questions you have posed.
Soulfulness is a powerful self-healing method.

Imagine overcoming the unimaginable, not only surviving but thriving, shining brightly and then being able to inspire others to do the same….
That’s what happened to me!

For many years I struggled with a degenerative condition. I’ve spent many years in bed, barely able to walk the 7 steps to the bathroom or read half a page in a book.
In 2010, even the moment came when I left my doctor’s office with his words echoing in my head:
“I have no idea how to help you anymore but if nothing happens, you are expected to have a few months to live.”
And I knew, it’s not my time to go. It will have to be different!

Where the medical world had no solution available in the form of an effective medical treatment, it turned out that a great deal was possible through the spiritual path!
I tried many forms of healing. They brought love, light, energy, but without lasting results.
Then I learned about the unique and very powerful method of Tao Healing and Soulfulness. That turned out to be my way out of the darkness. It transformed my condition at the root!

Tao Healing and Soulfulness were brought from China to the West by a physician, doctor and master Zhi Gang Sha. In China, tens of thousands of people a day were helped. Now many people worldwide use these holistic spiritual methods and many success stories are known.

These powerful healing methods were able to save my life. And not only that. The quality of my life was enhanced after only a short time:

🌟The survival mode I had lived in for so long was increasingly replaced by inner peace and stronger health.

🌟I experienced an ever-increasing opening of my heart that allowed me to feel more love and compassion for myself and others.

🌟I felt a deep connection to something greater than myself, to which I could surrender with ease. It allowed me to flow with where life took me.

🌟Over time, a deep trust developed in the many possibilities and abundance of life.

🌟I found purpose in my life and my days are now filled with passion instead of doubt.

🌟I have direction and do not wander in circles while searching and wandering.

🌟I received many tools to overcome new challenges with confidence.

And so there are many aspects that Tao Healing has brought me in recent years. Not just temporarily, but permanently.
And not only for me, I saw with my own eyes what it brought to many people worldwide. How many began to shine more and more.
Then I knew I had found something that was special and that I wanted to know much more about.

I began my training and over the past few years I have supported people around the world in transforming their lives and helped them empower themselves and their loved ones to live happier and healthier lives through the power of Tao Healing, passing on the messages from the spiritual world and teaching them how to take control of their own lives through powerful self-healing exercises.

“Believe in miracles. I have seen so many.
They came when every indication would say that Hope was lost.
Hope is never lost!”
~ Jeffrey R. Holland ~

Everyone’s life is a unique story full of ups and downs, moments of success and struggle.

No matter what you’re struggling with, whether it’s health, relationships, finances, career or anything else, you can apply Tao Healing to help turn these challenges into a moment of triumph; to help make your life a success story. Or to boost your qualities!

Tao Healing, Soul Reading and Soulfulness has proven to be a beacon of hope for many diverse challenges and it proves to me that when you put your heart and soul into it, a lot is possible.
It is my desire to introduce more people to these powerful methods.

I communicate daily through my open spiritual channels with the soul world to obtain guidance, advice, information for situations in my own life, or for the people who ask me for help.

This life experience and the comprehensive knowledge I have acquired through years of training as well as through the channeled messages, I lovingly pass on to anyone interested in it through personal counseling or group meetings.

As a channel, I can transmit messages and the healing light frequencies of Tao Healing from the soul world, and I am certified to teach the wisdom, knowledge and practical techniques.

it has already led to many great results for many people.

You too can create your own personal success story by amplifying the light within you and around you!
You too can grow and transform the blockages that hold you back from doing what you were born to do and being who you are deep inside: a being who brings more light into the world!

Puur Licht

And I’ll help you do that, if you want!

Please contact me without obligation to discuss what you wish for and how I could help you with that.

Barbara Kuipers