Photoblog: Sunshine, Freedom and a Little Flower
“Just living is not enough,” said the butterfly, “one must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower.” ~Hans Christian Andersen
On Sunday March 2, 2014, I felt like the Butterfly in the story of Hans Christian Andersen. After months of sitting inside, without my computer for it was being repaired, and therefore no possibility to photograph because my Flashcards were all full, I had enough of it. I really needed some sunshine, freedom and beautiful flowers as well.
I got my computer back last week, so all the photos had been uploaded, my flascards were empty again. The Sun was shining that day and I just had to go out in nature with my camera. So I grabbed all my stuff and although my left leg didn’t want to move in the way I wanted it to move, I walked on will power and went to the National Park: Amsterdamse Waterleiding Duinen. I was hoping to see courtship display of the birds, budding flowers, the start of Spring. However, although the Sun was shining brightly, it was really chilly because of the cold wind and it was quiet and the landscape still bare.
But the Light was beautiful, so I kept on walking, wondering what I would find out there.
There were a few birds, but they just swam and were not in the mood for some kind of courtship display.

It was not really special to photograph, so I decided to play with the light in a different way.
Spring had not really arrived in the National Park yet, it was manely bare land with some green colors coming up.
After some time I really had to sit down, because I had forced my leg too much. So I sat down in the sun, near the water and enjoyed the light and the freedom I felt and the fact that my spiritual channels had opened further, so it was easier to communicate with Mother Earth and the animals.
After a while I decided it was time to go home, but I received the message that I needed to stay in the Park, so I walked a path I never walked before, which brought me to this beautiful place.
And there it was, the first little flower I saw!
I was still not totally inspired by all around me to stay in the National Park to photograph. Besides that, it started to get colder, so I decided to go back. After a while I took a photo out of a habit, and when I looked at my screen I was totally surprised to see the result. That was not what I photographed I thought. The combination of the sunlight, backlight, the stems of the grass and the camera settings, led to something special, which brought back my inspiration!
By the time I was almost home, the sun already set, so this last shot is taken the next day!
After all it had been a beautiful day, exploring nature. Next time I am hopefully more lucky to watch the courtship display.