Spiritual Healing Group Sessions


Friday evenings October 4, 11, 18, 25, 2024 from 7.30pm CEST

Tao Healing for the Metal Element 🪓
(lungs, large intestines, nose, mucus, grief, courage, letting go, space for something new)

For more info, see below or more extensively in my blog.

For more information about this theme see below. 

Future themes:

* Strengthen your immune system
*Keep your heart open in challenging times
*Reduce stress

I personally believe everyone could benefit from soul healing. Because not everyone has the opportunity to receive individual support, and because I like to give everyone a chance to receive soul healing, I will regularly offer group healing sessions with a changing theme at a reduced honor fee.
You will receive spiritual healing on specified days and at a specified time, for an average of 30-45 minutes at a time, as a group.   At that time you can lie down or sit down and open yourself to receive. The group sessions are given remotely and in silence. Most people feel the beginning and end of the healing very well, so you can rest assured that I am really offering these sessions and if there is an emergency situation that prevents me from giving them at the agreed time, you will be notified.  

By opening completely in silence you have the opportunity to experience for yourself what the healing session does to you, to see images, to receive messages/insights without being distracted by others.
During the healing session I receive images and channeled messages which I type simultaneously and make a report of, which the participants receive by email the next day.

Many participants who are familiar with this method look forward to these reports in order to complement their own experiences with mine and receive the messages from the spiritual world.

The benefits of a group session is that several people receive the healing at the same time, which creates a powerful field and you receive the blessing at a reduced honorfee.
Because it is a group session not everyone gets the personal attention and personal feedback. If that is your preference, then a personal session is most suitable.

The theme of the next group session is:


Why is the Metal Element important?

The Metal element includes several components that we all may nurture, develop, heal and strengthen to create, or maintain, balance in this important element.

The authority organ of the Metal Element, the Yin Organ, are the lungs.
The Yang Organ is the Large intestines.
Together they form a yin-yang pair. The meridians of both organs are related.
The body tissue which is part of this Element is the skin, body fluid is mucus and the sense organ is the nose.
The unbalanced emotion is sadness and grief.

The lungs are the authority organ of this Element.
The lungs have different functions for our wellbeing:

  • The lungs play a major role in controlling the energy of the respiratory system as well as the energy of the whole body.  
  • The lungs help to distribute the food essence and the body fluids throughout our bodies. 
  • The lungs nourish the skin and the hair. 
  • The lungs have the function of transporting liquid to the kidneys and urinary bladder. 
  • The nose also plays an important role. Through the nose we inhale and exhale the air which fills our lungs. 
  • Through the lungs we receive the clean Qi, the Pure Energy. 

The large intestines remove the waste material of our food from our body. But we are more than just our physical bodies. Think of all the stuff we absorb mentally and spiritually. Also on those levels we need to let go, so we can connect more deeply with the beauty within and around us. So we can be more deeply connected with our true Life force. It is therefore important to be aware of what we surround ourselves with and what we take in on many different levels. 

The more we let go, the more free our lungs are able to breath. The more fresh air, the oxigen and clean energy we are able to take in. Through the lungs we are also able to take in the Pure Energy from Heaven, the clean chi, the essence.
You could maybe imagine, that if the lungs are not able to take in the clean essence, or the large intestines do not let go of the waste material, that this also has an impact on the production of mucus and the skin.

If there is an imbalance in the Metal Element this can also have an impact on our sense of self-worth. Every one of us is a unique creation and we have a purpose in this life. But sometimes we are not able to see our worth. It is not nourished by the lung essence or it is not freed from everything which doesn’t serve us any longer.

And do not underestimate the impact of our emotions. Grief and Sadness are the unbalacend emotions which belong to the Metal Element.  The overall body energy is strongly connected to the balance and strength of the Metal Element.
Thus, you can see that many symptoms can be interrelated and affect the various sub aspects of the Metal Element. If one aspect is out of balance, it can affect the other aspects and also unbalance them. For example, unprocessed grief can unbalance the lungs or the colon. Using medication then does not always have the desired effect. 

Problems in the areas which belong to the Metal element could show up if there is an unbalanced situation.
You could think of lack of energy, fatigue, exhaustion, respiratory disorders, breathing difficulties, a weak voice, coughing, asthma, pale skin, dry skin, edema, runny nose, impaired sense of smell, problems with the intestines, and more.

The Metal Element is part of the Five Elements and it nourishes the Water Element (this element contains the kidneys, urinary bladder, bones, ears, fear). So when the lung energy is strong and  balanced, it will nourish the kidneys well. When the Metal Element is out of balance, it could affect the Water Element over time.
The Metal Element controls the Wood Element (liver, gallbladder, tendons, nails, eyes, anger). When the Metal Element is out of balance,  it could have consequences for the Wood Element because it is no longer controlled properly. Unresolved grief for example could be lead to anger.
The Metal Element is also connected to the Heart Chakra. I have written about the Heart Chakra in a previous blog
Everything in us is interconnected and affects each other physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. An imbalance in the Metal element can affect other elements in this way. It is therefore important to maintain or restore balance in the Metal element. The next 2 group sessions can support you in this.

Nutrition, acupuncture, herbs are known ways that can be supportive when there is an imbalance in the earth element. Tao Healing can also help here by dissolving blockages at the deepest level, the soul, and from there, soul, heart, consciousness, energy and matter become more balanced.

There is a nourishing cycle:
Wood makes Fire burn, Fire brings nourishment to Earth (ash), Earth houses Metal, Metal carries Water and Water nourishes Wood.

And there is a controlling cycle:
Wood holds Earth, Earth absorbs Water, Water extinguishes Fire, Fire melts Metal, Metal cleaves Wood.

Tao Healing can help bring this element (more) into balance by transforming negative information into positive information and in this way aligning soul, heart, mind, energy and matter of the different aspects of this element. In this way, there will be more balance in the METAL element and all its associated parts. 

There are many powerful self-healing exercises to work with. However, this requires time and discipline. You can also join the Tao Healing group healing sessions. 

If you recognize yourself in the above and would like to have more balance in the METAL element, then you are welcome to join the group sessions starting on Thursday, March 16. In the coming weeks all elements will be the focus of the group sessions, one by one.


Yin organ 

Yang Organ 

Body Tissue 

Body Fluid 


Unbalanced  emotion  

Balanced  emotion 






Tendons, nails  


Eyes/ Sight 

Anger, irritation 






Small Intestines 

Blood vessels 



Depression, Anxiety  

Joy, Awareness 








Mouth, lips/ Speech  


Love, Safety 


Change of the seasons 



Large Intestines 



Nose/  Smell 

Grief, Sadness 






Urinary Bladder 

Bones, Joints  


Ears/ Hearing 





You can sign up for a single group session or for all sessions.

If you would like help with problems in your relationship, your work, your finances, your spiritual development or anything else, then an individual session is the way to go. For this, you can contact me.

💛 How does it work?

In Tao Healing we assume that a human being consists of 5 bodies, each with its own density. You have your spiritual body (soul), emotional body (heart), mental body (mind/spirit), energetic body (energy) and physical body (matter). If they are all aligned, then everything in life goes smooth and easy. But there can be disturbances or blockages in each of these bodies and these disturbances can be felt by yourself and others and can affect your health, relationships, finances and work, and more.  Healing also works to prevent the occurrence of blockages.

Doctors mainly work with matter.

Reiki, acupuncture etc. works with energy.

Psychology and mindfulness work mainly on the mind.

Tao Healing works mainly on the soul level and the heart level, but also takes the mind, energy and matter into the results.

On your soul you carry all your experiences from this life, but also from past lives and you carry a part of your ancestors in you too. That is the karmic burden. Positive karmic influences bring you happiness and health and other blessings. But the negative burden can cause problems in relationships, health, finances and success in life. Everyone has a karmic burden. For some people it mostly shows as positive effects, for others it goes to the other side, bringing lots of challenges. But it can also show up in particular areas causing a very good health, but lots of challenges in your relationships. It’s just depends on where the blockage is. 
The goal of life is to bring back balance. You can do this through spiritual practices that are specifically focused on balancing karma and increasing positive information. However, this requires time, discipline, trust, perseverance etc.

The spiritual training I have had in the past years, has given me many deep insights and developed my spiritual channels more and more. The kind of spiritual healing that I am trained to offer is Tao Healing. It brings healing to all these 5 bodies and helps to align them. It brings light to the blockages within the spiritual body (soul), emotional body (heart), mental body (mind/spirit), energetic body (energy) and physical body (matter). 
If your own bodies carry more light, have fewer blockages and are more in alignment, then this will show in your physical life. You could say, you transform your outer physical life from the inside out. When your blockages diminish, you radiate out different frequencies and vibrations and therefore attract other situations.

Tao Healing is very powerful. I came into contact with it because of my health and my doctor’s statement that I would only have a few months left to live. However, Master Sha gave me his method and I have received a lot of spiritual healing and profound training from him and thanks to his method I am now 10 years later and still alive. In those 10 years I have seen and experienced a lot. My own life has been totally transformed and I have seen many other people blossom and shine as well.

💛 What others have experienced:
I regularly receive very nice feedback from clients about what they have experienced while receiving a spiritual blessing. I share the testimonials below with permission of the person, who received the blessing during a group healing session:

These healingsessions are so powerful! They can touch and transform such a deep layer! 

“I always put my hands over my groins…. at the opening points located there, to let the energy flow….the back of my head became warm, my heart…..I felt so much light inside myself…..I didn’t feel my body, just energy….
I was moved….a kind of coming home only much deeper….
I realized again in another layer, that this is what I have been searching for all my life….being in contact with your soul, not with the mind, not with the ego, but just with the feelings, the deep feelings….
The theme of self-love….. came to surface….love for yourself in connection also with your soul….
That connection with your soul goes so much deeper, than anything else….”

The group healings lift me out of that heavy field so it would be great to continue these groupsessions.

I share the following feedback with the permission of this person, who received his first soul healing session during a personal session.

To be honest, I wasn’t expecting so much actually. I had faith in it, but didn’t think it would have that much effect after just one time. Feeling really good now. I finally feel connected to the world around me and to myself again. 

Also no more trouble breathing. The energy in my chest area can finally flow again. It was completely stuck there before. 

Unbelievable what you managed to do for me after one hour. 
Wow those messages you sent me. I am a bit overwhelmed by them. So much energy goes through me when I read that. 
Thank you! 


(note: “the messages” refers to the messages I receive from the soul world during a personal healing session and which I always send to clients. Barbara)

The experiences of some of the group sessions in 2021, can be read here

More experiences/testimonials can be read here.
If, after everything you have read, you would like to experience this yourself, please sign up and give yourself this gift.


I myself have received a lot of spiriual healing and consciously invested in it! Why did I invest in it? Because it saved me a lot of time in my search for health.
Time never comes back! I have always been aware of that. I have also been very aware of the fact that it was important to spend the time I have usefully on things that are important. Where I can win time by doing something faster in another way, certainly when something so important as my health is involved, I have always invested in spiriutal healing, because it gave me something that was priceless to me: a better quality of life in the shorter term.  And because that opportunity was given to me, I took the chance with both of my hands.

Would you like that too, then Tao Healing is a way for you. Sign up for a group healing session or choose a personal session.

Send me a message via: Barbara.Kuipers@puur-licht.nl And sign up.

💛 Your part/energy exchange:  

The exchange to receive these blessing(s) is

one session for 33,- euro. 

two sessions for 55,- euro.

four sessions for 99,- euro.

If you have never received a Tao Healing session before and would like to experience it once, then participation is free the first time. 

You can not only participate in the group sessions yourself. Your pets or immediate family members can also participate if you would like to give them this as a gift.

Animals also have a soul and benefit from love and light!
Because animals cannot choose for themselves and to make it easier for their owners to share their love for them, animals receive a 50% discount for participating in the group sessions.


If you would like to give yourself or someone else this experience, please sign up by sending me a message with your name (first and last name), your email address and the group healing session you would like to participate in and any additional information you would like to share or if you would like your immediate family member or pet to receive the healing, please include their names as well.
Upon receipt of your message, you will receive an email from me with confirmation of participation and an invoice.
(This is not an automated process so there may be some time in between, please keep that in mind when registering).

In love and light,


The information on the website and the information given during conversations is not intended for diagnosis or treatment of any condition, but serves only as information and education. This information is not intended to replace consultation with a competent healthcare professional. The information is intended to be used as additional information to a prudent and responsible health care program prescribed by a health care professional. I am in no way responsible for any misuse of the information or for stopping treatment on your own initiative. I will never advise to stop any existing treatment or medication.  Receiving the healings is on your own request and on your own responsibility. No promises or promises are made by me with regard to the result, because this differs per person and depends on the existing blockages.

some of the previous themes

(for more information: LINK)

(for more information: LINK)

(see for more information: LINK)